
Online Submission: Authors should submit the manuscript in prescribed format by following the standards. For more info, please Click Here.

Manuscript ID: Once paper received, the paper will be given with the manuscript ID at sequential order to the respective domain of the journal for communicating through mail with the specified ID.

Review - I

1. The Manuscript will pass through for the Review-I by evaluating the language, domain and standard of the journal.

2. If the manuscript is under partial satisfactory level then it will be sent back to the author for modifying and to be instructed to send it back again according to choice of domain. 

3. If the manuscript is not in satisfactory level, then it be informed to the authors for the rejection status. 

Review II

1. If the manuscript satisfy the first review, then it will pass through to the Review-II where the technical content of the manuscript will be evaluated through two expertized review members by sending the abstract beginning to receive the acceptance for reviewing the manuscript. 

2. If there is any corrections, after receiving the comments from the two reviewers the manuscript with the comments will be sent to the author through mail to instruct them for rectification and go for publication further.  

3. If the manuscript not under satisfactory level the manuscript may be rejected and will be communicated through mail.

4. If the reviewers accept the paper, the manuscript will pass through the editorial board members.

Editorial Review

1. The corrected manuscript along with reviewer comments will be evaluated by Editorial members. If it is not satisfied it was sent back them to rectify the corrections. 

2. If the manuscript satisfy the comments and according to the publishing format then the reply mail will be given the manuscript is accepted for publication under the upcoming issue. The processing for the manuscript will be received after acceptance along with copyrights form. 

Galley Proof: After payment the manuscript DOI will be generated for the galley proof and it ll be shared to the author. 

Publication: The manuscript will get publish at the specified volume and Issue in web page. E- Certificate for the authors will be provided for the publication.